This is the 7th song from the Album-Baba Pugazh Maalai.The singer express his following feelings through this song as translated by Asha sister .Jai Sai Ram.
Poovaaram sootti- to garland youI was longing to garland you and sing your glory and my heart wished to pluck flowers, and offer you a flower garland, realising that the flowers would bloom and dry up I was struck and wanted to search and offer the flower which would not whither/dry out anyday, and found out that it is my heart and I am offering it to you.
Koti flowers are blooming here and dancing for you, all these words are flowers garlanded and are sung as songs for you.
Om sai , om sai om.
Great purushas take birth rarely in this soil and even this soil praises your presence in the soil glory.
You become the sole refugee to all those who come to you
Can anyone step in to your place without your call, those who take refuge to you will experience your leelas, the life that was deserted before praying to you was different and the life started to bloom and become prosperous after praying you .
The twinkling stars are grouping on top of your shrine and glowing for you , Even the fire flies forget to close their eyes and make processions, veda chanting, the playing of drums everything sings your glory in one rhythm and in one beat.
Jai Sai Ram

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