Dear all,
This is the second track of the Album -Baba Pugazh Maalai.
Sai devotee has given details of the song in mail as attached below.I have also attached the video where the abhishek of Baba is shown with milk and the Palki Yatris with Baba's Palki.
Jai Sai Ram.
Dear Sai Manisha
‘Unnai Kaettu Paar’ - This is the 5th track of the Album ‘Baba Pugazh Maalai’. The lyricist emphasizes each individual to ask themselves who they are and realize the truth. If not, he insists them to ask Sai as HE is omniscient & all pervading. Doing Naam Smaran of ‘Om Sai’ just once will cleanse the heart and mind and get us the highest welfare. Whilst the song boasts of Shirdi & its deity Shri Sai,
it also necessitates the importance of going to that Theerth not just once but number of times to remove the sins and pray at the holy place where Shri Sai walked & lived. The song is arranged neatly in the vocals of play back singer Sriram Parthsarathy to suit the philosophical call. The tune, one of the favorite of the Composer for having given many hits, delivered this one nicely with a Classical twist weaving with Veena & rekindling the soul with Violins (which is his forte)in the beat of islam.
Watch the video:
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