Dear all,
This is the 5th song from the Album-Baba Pugazh Maalai.The singer express his following feelings through this song as translated by Asha sister .Jai Sai Ram
If this temple/shrine is not there what will happen to the world? If He is not going to shoulder our burdens what will happen to our lives.
With all the decorations, rangoli,veda chanting, the music of the –drums (band,flower hangings and paraphernalia today it is kumbhabhishkam in our Sai temple that is the biggest ceremony in our life.
Many rivers join and pour into the ocean, many villages have joined together for this ceremony,folk dances,and lakhs of crowd are flooding, see the devotees dance,as the heart is filled with variety of colours so the colourful crackers are fired on the sky see the merriment utsav, utsav is the talk of the town.
Hand over your life to Sai..whole heartedly.
If this temple/shrine is not there what will happen to the world?
what will happen to our lives if He would not shoulder our burden
Working men, poor people's resting place for paradeshi and faithful devotees fill their stomache here.
Literate or illiterate this is common for both ,everything will not remain forever but only, divinity/truth is immortal , this is a wealth which you can enjoy,nobody in this world or heaven would have seen this,
this is miraculous thing, hold on to His feet.
Today it is kumbabhishekam in our temple that is the special news of this place.

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